The UnityWebRequest module lets you communicate with http services.
CertificateHandler | Responsible for rejecting or accepting certificates received on https requests. |
DownloadHandler | Manage and process HTTP response body data received from a remote server. |
DownloadHandlerBuffer | A general-purpose DownloadHandler implementation which stores received data in a native byte buffer. |
DownloadHandlerFile | Download handler for saving the downloaded data to file. |
DownloadHandlerScript | An abstract base class for user-created scripting-driven DownloadHandler implementations. |
MultipartFormDataSection | A helper object for form sections containing generic, non-file data. |
MultipartFormFileSection | A helper object for adding file uploads to multipart forms via the [IMultipartFormSection] API. |
UnityWebRequest | The UnityWebRequest object is used to communicate with web servers. |
UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation | Asynchronous operation object returned from UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest().You can yield until it continues, register an event handler with AsyncOperation.completed, or manually check whether it's done (AsyncOperation.isDone) or progress (AsyncOperation.progress). |
UploadHandler | Helper object for UnityWebRequests. Manages the buffering and transmission of body data during HTTP requests. |
UploadHandlerFile | A specialized UploadHandler that reads data from a given file and sends raw bytes to the server as the request body. |
UploadHandlerRaw | A general-purpose UploadHandler subclass, using a native-code memory buffer. |
WWWForm | Helper class to generate form data to post to web servers using the UnityWebRequest or WWW classes. |