Saves any changes from the Editor's control into the asset's import settings object.
Can be overridden at need. Get's called when changes to settings are beeing applied.
#pragma strict public class ExampleScript extends MonoBehaviour { public function OnInspectorGUI() { // Add custom gui controls here... ApplyRevertGUI(); } protected virtual function OnApplyRevertGUI() { new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!HasModified()) { var applied: boolean; new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!HasModified()) { RevertButton(); applied = ApplyButton("Apply X"); } var upgrade: boolean = upgradeMaterials; var genButtonText: GUIContent = HasModified() || upgrade ? Styles.ApplyAndGenerate : Styles.Regenerate; if (GUILayout.Button(genButtonText)) { var hasModified: boolean = HasModified(); // Apply the changes and generate the materials before importing so that asset previews are up-to-date. if (hasModified) Apply(); if (upgrade) { for (var importer: var in importers) importer.SetMaterialVersionToCurrent(); } GenerateMaterials(); if (hasModified || upgrade) { ApplyAndImport(); applied = true; } } return applied; } } }
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { public void OnInspectorGUI() { // Add custom gui controls here...
ApplyRevertGUI(); }
protected virtual bool OnApplyRevertGUI() { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!HasModified())) { bool applied; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!HasModified())) { RevertButton(); applied = ApplyButton("Apply X"); }
bool upgrade = upgradeMaterials; GUIContent genButtonText = HasModified() || upgrade ? Styles.ApplyAndGenerate : Styles.Regenerate;
if (GUILayout.Button(genButtonText)) { bool hasModified = HasModified();
// Apply the changes and generate the materials before importing so that asset previews are up-to-date. if (hasModified) Apply();
if (upgrade) { foreach (var importer in importers) importer.SetMaterialVersionToCurrent(); }
if (hasModified || upgrade) { ApplyAndImport(); applied = true; } } return applied; } } }