Legacy Documentation: Version 2017.1 (Go to current version)
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struct in UnityEngine.Playables

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The PlayableGraph is used to manage Playable creation, destruction and connections.

It is also used to create the PlayableOutput which connects the PlayableGraph to different systems.

Public Functions

ConnectConnects two Playable instances.
DestroyDestroys the graph.
DestroyOutputDestroys the PlayableOutput.
DestroyPlayableDestroys the Playable.
DestroySubgraphRecursively destroys the given Playable and all children connected to its inputs.
DisconnectDisconnects Playable. The connections determine the topology of the PlayableGraph and how its is evaluated.
EvaluateEvaluates all the PlayableOutputs in the graph, and updates all the connected Playables in the graph.
GetOutputGet PlayableOutput at the given index in the graph.
GetOutputByTypeGet PlayableOutput of the requested type at the given index in the graph.
GetOutputCountGet the number of PlayableOutput in the graph.
GetOutputCountByTypeGet the number of PlayableOutput of the requested type in the graph.
GetPlayableCountReturns the number of Playable owned by the Graph.
GetResolverReturns the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences.
GetRootPlayableReturns the Playable with no output connections at the given index.
GetRootPlayableCountReturns the number of Playable owned by the Graph that have no connected outputs.
GetTimeUpdateModeReturns how time is incremented when playing back.
IsDoneIndicates that a graph has completed its operations.
IsPlayingIndicates that a graph is presently running.
IsValidReturns true if the PlayableGraph has been properly constructed using PlayableGraph.CreateGraph and is not deleted.
PlayPlays the graph.
SetResolverChanges the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences.
SetTimeUpdateModeChanges how time is incremented when playing back.
StopStops the graph, if it is playing.

Static Functions

CreateCreates a PlayableGraph.