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public method GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex: int): AnimatorClipInfo[];
public AnimatorClipInfo[] GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(int layerIndex);


layerIndex The layer index.


AnimatorClipInfo[] An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state.


Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer.

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//This script outputs the name and length of the Animation clip played at start-up.

using UnityEngine;

public class GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoExample : MonoBehaviour { Animator m_Animator; string m_ClipName; AnimatorClipInfo[] m_CurrentClipInfo;

float m_CurrentClipLength;

void Start() { //Get them_Animator, which you attach to the GameObject you intend to animate. m_Animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); //Fetch the current Animation clip information for the base layer m_CurrentClipInfo = this.m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0); //Access the current length of the clip m_CurrentClipLength = m_CurrentClipInfo[0].clip.length; //Access the Animation clip name m_ClipName = m_CurrentClipInfo[0]; }

void OnGUI() { //Output the current Animation name and length to the screen GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 20), "Clip Name : " + m_ClipName); GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 30, 200, 20), "Clip Length : " + m_CurrentClipLength); } }

public method GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex: int, clips: List<AnimatorClipInfo>): void;
public void GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(int layerIndex, List<AnimatorClipInfo> clips);


Get a list of AnimatorClipInfo from the Animator.
