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struct in UnityEngine

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Represents an axis aligned bounding box with all values as integers.

An axis-aligned bounding box, or AABB for short, is a box aligned with coordinate axes and fully enclosing some object. As the box is never rotated with respect to the axes, it can be defined by min and max points.


allPositionsWithinA BoundsInt.PositionCollection that contains all positions within the BoundsInt.
centerThe center of the bounding box.
maxThe maximal point of the box.
minThe minimal point of the box.
positionThe position of the bounding box.
sizeThe total size of the box.
xX value of the minimal point of the box.
xMaxThe maximal x point of the box.
xMinThe minimal x point of the box.
yY value of the minimal point of the box.
yMaxThe maximal y point of the box.
yMinThe minimal y point of the box.
zZ value of the minimal point of the box.
zMaxThe maximal z point of the box.
zMinThe minimal z point of the box.

Public Methods

ClampToBoundsClamps the position and size of this bounding box to the given bounds.
ContainsIs point contained in the bounding box?
SetMinMaxSets the bounds to the min and max value of the box.
ToStringReturns a nicely formatted string for the bounds.