struct in UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input
Represents a snapshot of the state of a spatial interaction source (hand, voice or controller) at a given time.
anyPressed | True if the source is in the pressed state. |
grasped | Whether the controller is grasped. |
headPose | Head pose of the user at the time of the interaction. |
menuPressed | Whether or not the menu button is pressed. |
properties | Additional properties to explore the state of the interaction source. |
selectPressed | Depending on the InteractionSourceType of the interaction source, this returning true could represent a number of equivalent things: main button on a clicker, air-tap on a hand, and the trigger on a motion controller. For hands, a select-press represents the user's index finger in the down position. For motion controllers, a select-press represents the controller's index-finger trigger (or primary face button, if no trigger) being fully pressed. Note that a voice command of "Select" causes an instant press and release, so you cannot poll for a voice press using this property - instead, you must use GestureRecognizer and subscribe to the Tapped event, or subscribe to the InteractionSourcePressed event from InteractionManager. |
selectPressedAmount | Normalized amount ([0, 1]) representing how much select is pressed. |
source | The interaction source that this state describes. |
sourcePose | Pose data of the interaction source at the time of the interaction. |
thumbstickPosition | Normalized coordinates for the position of a thumbstick. |
thumbstickPressed | Whether or not the thumbstick is pressed. |
touchpadPosition | Normalized coordinates for the position of a touchpad interaction. |
touchpadPressed | Whether or not the touchpad is pressed, as if a button. |
touchpadTouched | Whether or not the touchpad is touched. |