Version: 2017.4
Restoring previous versions of a project
Managing cloud storage

In-Progress edit notifications

Unity Collaborate constantly monitors the changes team members make to your Project. When a team member saves changes to a Scene or Prefab on their local machine, Collaborate notifies you that the Asset has been changed by displaying an In-Progress badge on the Asset.

To view who is working on the Scene or Prefab, hover over the badge.

In-Progress for Scenes

For Scenes, the In-Progress badge is visible in two locations in the Unity Editor:

  • On the file icon in the Project browser.

  • In the Hierarchy window.

In-Progress for Prefabs

For Prefabs, the In-Progress badge is also visible in two locations in the Unity Editor:

  • On the file icon in the Project browser.

  • In the Inspector window.

When a team member publishes their changes, Unity removes the icon and counter.

  • New feature in Unity 2017.1 NewIn20171
Restoring previous versions of a project
Managing cloud storage
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