Version: 2018.4
  • C#


class in UnityEditor.Build.Reporting


Implemented in:UnityEditor

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This class provides constant values for some of the common roles used by files in the build. The role of each file in the build is available in BuildFile.role.

Static Properties

appInfoThe BuildFile.role value of the file that provides config information used in Low Integrity mode on Windows.
assetBundleThe BuildFile.role value of built AssetBundle files.
assetBundleTextManifestThe BuildFile.role value of an AssetBundle manifest file, produced during the build process, that contains information about the bundle and its dependencies.
bootConfigThe BuildFile.role value of the file that contains configuration information for the very early stages of engine startup.
builtInResourcesThe BuildFile.role value of the file that contains built-in resources for the engine.
builtInShadersThe BuildFile.role value of the file that contains Unity's built-in shaders, such as the Standard shader.
crashHandlerThe BuildFile.role value of the executable that is used to capture crashes from the player.
debugInfoThe BuildFile.role value of files that contain information for debuggers.
dependentManagedLibraryThe BuildFile.role value of a managed library that is present in the build due to being a dependency of a CommonRoles.managedLibrary.
engineLibraryThe BuildFile.role value of the main Unity runtime when it is built as a separate library.
executableThe BuildFile.role value of an executable - the file that will actually be launched on the target device.
globalGameManagersThe BuildFile.role value of the file that contains global Project Settings data for the player.
managedEngineApiThe BuildFile.role value of files that provide the managed API for Unity.
managedLibraryThe BuildFile.role value of a managed assembly, containing compiled script code.
manifestAssetBundleThe BuildFile.role value of a manifest AssetBundle, which is an AssetBundle that contains information about other AssetBundles and their dependencies.
monoConfigThe BuildFile.role value of files that are used as configuration data by the Mono runtime.
monoRuntimeThe BuildFile.role value of files that make up the Mono runtime itself.
resourcesFileThe BuildFile.role value of the file that contains the contents of the project's "Resources" folder, packed into a single file.
sceneThe BuildFile.role value of a file that contains the packed content of a Scene.
sharedAssetsThe BuildFile.role value of a file that contains asset objects which are shared between Scenes. Examples of asset objects are textures, models, and audio.
streamingAssetThe BuildFile.role value of files that have been copied into the build without modification from the StreamingAssets folder in the project.
streamingResourceFileThe BuildFile.role value of a file that contains streaming resource data.
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