Version: 2018.4
  • C#


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public void SetTriangles(int[] triangles, int submesh, bool calculateBounds = true, int baseVertex = 0);


public void SetTriangles(int[] triangles, int submesh);


public void SetTriangles(List<int> triangles, int submesh, bool calculateBounds = true, int baseVertex = 0);


public void SetTriangles(List<int> triangles, int submesh);


triangles The list of indices that define the triangles.
submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the triangles. This is done by default. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the triangles.
baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.


Sets the triangle list for the sub-mesh.

A sub-mesh represents a list of triangles that are rendered using a single Material. When the Mesh is used with a Renderer that has multiple materials, you should ensure that there is one sub-mesh per Material.

It is recommended to assign the triangle array after assigning the vertex array, in order to avoid out-of-bounds errors.

The baseVertex argument can be used to achieve meshes that are larger than 65535 vertices while using 16 bit index buffers, as long as each sub-mesh fits within its own 65535 vertex area. For example, if the index buffer that is passed to SetTriangles contains indices 10,11,12 and baseVertex is set to 100000, then effectively vertices 100010, 100011 and 100012 will be used for rendering.

See Also: subMeshCount, SetIndices.

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