Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D

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Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator.


adaptiveUVIf enabled, the tessellator will adapt the size of the quads based on the height of the edge.
angleThresholdThe threshold of the angle that indicates whether it is a corner or not.
bevelCutoffThe threshold of the angle that decides if it should be tessellated as a curve or a corner.
bevelSizeThe radius of the curve to be tessellated.
borderPivotThe local displacement of the Sprite when tessellated.
carpetIf true, the Shape will be tessellated as a closed form.
fillScaleThe scale to be used to calculate the UVs of the fill texture.
fillTextureThe texture to be used for the fill of the SpriteShape.
smartSpriteIf enabled the tessellator will consider creating corners based on the various input parameters.
splineDetailThe tessellation quality of the input Spline that determines the complexity of the mesh.
spriteBordersThe borders to be used for calculating the uv of the edges based on the border info found in Sprites.
stretchUVStretch the UV mapping for the Fill texture.
transformThe world space transform of the GameObject used for calculating the UVs of the Fill texture.