
class in UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input


Implemented in:UnityEngine.VRModule

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Provides access to user input from hands, controllers, and system voice commands.

Static Properties

numSourceStates(Read Only) The number of InteractionSourceState snapshots available for reading with InteractionManager.GetCurrentReading.

Static Methods

GetCurrentReadingGet the current SourceState.


InteractionSourceDetectedOccurs when a new hand, controller, or source of voice commands has been detected.
InteractionSourceDetectedLegacyOccurs when a new hand, controller, or source of voice commands has been detected.
InteractionSourceLostOccurs when a hand, controller, or source of voice commands is no longer available.
InteractionSourceLostLegacyOccurs when a hand, controller, or source of voice commands is no longer available.
InteractionSourcePressedOccurs when a hand or controller has entered the pressed state.
InteractionSourcePressedLegacyOccurs when a hand or controller has entered the pressed state.
InteractionSourceReleasedOccurs when a hand or controller has exited the pressed state.
InteractionSourceReleasedLegacyOccurs when a hand or controller has exited the pressed state.
InteractionSourceUpdatedOccurs when a hand or controller has experienced a change to its SourceState.
InteractionSourceUpdatedLegacyOccurs when a hand or controller has experienced a change to its SourceState.


SourceEventHandlerCallback to handle InteractionManager events.