Version: 2019.3
Memory Profiler


com.unity.kinematica preview 


Kinematica is a next-generation character animation system.

This technology provides a solution for character animation that does not rely on animation graphs while achieving a higher level of quality and at the same time offers the same level of control, versatility and flexibility.

Kinematica allows the use raw animation clips or motion capture data directly without the necessity to organize them in an animation graph. Describe the intended movement of your character and Kinematica produces the corresponding poses automatically.

At the heart of Kinematica lies a considerably improved version of Motion Matching that achieves a near constant time lookup for arbitrary complex motion databases and does not rely on parameter tweaking or magic numbers.

Version information

Experimental for Unity

These package versions are considered unstable for Unity version 2019.3:

Documentation location: Versions available:
com.unity.kinematica@0.5 0.5.0-preview.1
com.unity.kinematica@0.4 0.4.0-preview
Memory Profiler
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