Version: 2019.3
  • C#



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Analytics event priority.


FlushQueueFlagAny current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem and dispatcher service makes the events available to send to the server. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server.
CacheImmediatelyFlagAny current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem.
AllowInStopModeFlagUse this flag to send events while in the stop state.
SendImmediateFlagEvents with this flag are given higher priority compared to others while dispatching to the server.
NormalPriorityEventThis priority queues events in-memory.
NormalPriorityEvent_WithCachingThis priority queues events in-memory and writes them to the filesystem immediately.
HighPriorityEventAny current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server.
HighPriorityEvent_InStopModeThis priority lets you send events in the stop state, and makes any current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server.
HighestPriorityEventThis priority is similar to the AnalyticsEventPriority.HighPriorityEvent, except these events are given a highest priority than other events in the disptach queue. It adds the events to the top of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server.
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