Version: 2019.3
  • C#


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Obsolete public void SetPlatformTextureSettings(string platform, int maxTextureSize, TextureImporterFormat textureFormat, bool allowsAlphaSplit = False);
Obsolete public void SetPlatformTextureSettings(string platform, int maxTextureSize, TextureImporterFormat textureFormat, int compressionQuality, bool allowsAlphaSplit);


platformThe platforms whose settings are to be changed (see below).
maxTextureSizeMaximum texture width/height in pixels.
textureFormatData format for the texture.
compressionQualityValue from 0..100, with 0, 50 and 100 being respectively Fast, Normal, Best quality options in the texture importer UI. For Crunch texture formats, this roughly corresponds to JPEG quality levels.
allowsAlphaSplitAllows splitting of imported texture into RGB+A so that ETC1 compression can be applied (Android only, and works only on textures that are a part of some atlas).


Set specific target platform settings.

The options for the platform string are: "Standalone", "iPhone", "Android", "WebGL", "Windows Store Apps", "PS4", "XboxOne", "Nintendo 3DS" and "tvOS".

public void SetPlatformTextureSettings(TextureImporterPlatformSettings platformSettings);


platformSettingsStructure containing the platform settings.


Set specific target platform settings.

Setup the parameters for a specific platform as described in TextureImporterPlatformSettings.

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