Version: 2019.4
Plastic SCM plugin for Unity
Upgrade from Collaborate without moving the history

Upgrade from Collaborate to Plastic SCM

To migrate your Collaborate projects to Plastic SCM:

  1. Create a Collaborate project and upload your latest changes so that your project is in sync.
  2. Go to the Collaborate Migration Wizard site.
  3. Complete the process to migrate every Collab project in a Unity org.
  4. Wait until you receive an email from Plastic SCM that the migration process has finished.
  5. Re-open the same Collab project in Unity.
  6. The Migration guide will pop up, guiding you through the process of converting your local instance of your Collab project into a local instance of your Plastic workspace.
  7. Once it finishes, you can continue working on your project, using the Plastic SCM window to check in your changes.


Plastic SCM plugin for Unity
Upgrade from Collaborate without moving the history
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