Version: 2020.1
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental


Implemented in:UnityEditor

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Class with experimental AssetDatabase functionality.

Static Methods

ClearImporterOverrideClears the importer override for the asset.
GetAvailableImporterTypesGets the importer types associated with a given Asset type.
GetImporterOverrideReturns the type of the override importer.
IsDirectoryMonitoringEnabledReports whether directory monitoring is enabled.
RefreshSettingsApply pending EditorSettings changes to the Asset pipeline.
RegisterCustomDependencyAllows you to register a custom dependency that Assets can be dependent on. If you register a custom dependency, and specify that an Asset is dependent on it, then the Asset will get re-imported if the custom dependency changes.
SetImporterOverrideSets a specific importer to use for the asset.
UnregisterCustomDependencyPrefixFilterRemoves custom dependencies that match the prefixFilter.