Version: 2020.1
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.

ScriptedImporterAttribute Constructor

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public ScriptedImporterAttribute(int version, string[] exts);
public ScriptedImporterAttribute(int version, string ext);
public ScriptedImporterAttribute(int version, string[] exts, int importQueueOffset);
public ScriptedImporterAttribute(int version, string ext, int importQueueOffset);


version A number that is used by the import pipeline to detect new versions of the importer script. Changing this number will trigger a re-import of all assets matching the listed extensions.
exts List of file extensions (without leading period character) that the scripted importer handles.
ext Single file extension (without leading period character) that the scripted importer handles.
importQueueOffset Gives control over ordering of asset import based on types. Positive values delay the processing of source asset files while negative values place them earlier in the import process.


Use the ScriptedImporter attribute to register a custom importer derived from ScriptedImporter with Unity's Asset import pipeline.

It is best practice to always increment a scripted importer's version number whenever the script is changed. This forces assets imported with lower version numbers to be re-imported.

If the Unity Editor setting "Auto-Update" is set to enabled, editing a script outside of the editor and saving it will trigger both a re-import of the script and all assets of the corresponding type.

The following example declares an importer that handles files with extension cb and cube.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters;

[ScriptedImporter(1, new[] {"cb", "cube"})] public class CubeImporter : ScriptedImporter { public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx) { // ... } }

The following example declares an importer that handles files with extension sphere. Its importQueueOffset parameter is set to 10, forcing assets with extension sphere to be imported after all other scripted importers that have an importQueueOffset of less than 10.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters;

[ScriptedImporter(1, "sphere", 10)] public class SphereImporter : ScriptedImporter { public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx) { // ... } }