Version: 2020.1
  • C#


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public static void PerformBumpMapCheck(Material material);


material The target material.


Iterates over all the Material properties with the MaterialProperty.PropFlags.Normal flag and checks that the textures referenced by these properties are imported as TextureImporterType.NormalMap.

For example, you can use this method in an AssetPostprocessor to check the Material assets that are imported as sub-assets in the resulting prefab.

If the method is invoked in the normal editor workflow, for example, after adding and importing a new asset in Unity, a popup lists the textures to be fixed. You then have the choice of either fixing or ignoring them.

If the method is invoked while the editor is starting or running in batch mode, the textures are automatically fixed for you.

See Also: TextureImporterType, PropFlags.
