Version: 2020.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.Physics2DModule

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Represents a single instance of a 2D physics Scene.

A 2D physics Scene owns all 2D physics component objects added to it and can perform a simulation of them as well as execute queries against them. All of this functionality is isolated from any other physics Scene. Using this, multiple independent physics Scenes can coexist.

Public Methods

BoxCastCasts a box against colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
CapsuleCastCasts a capsule against colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
CircleCastCasts a circle against colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
GetRayIntersectionCast a 3D ray against the colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
IsEmptyDetermines whether the physics Scene is empty or not.
IsValidDetermines whether the physics Scene is valid or not.
LinecastCasts a line segment against colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
OverlapAreaChecks an area (non-rotated box) against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
OverlapBoxChecks a box against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
OverlapCapsuleChecks a capsule against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
OverlapCircleChecks a circle against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
OverlapPointChecks a point against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
RaycastCasts a ray against colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning the first intersection only.
SimulateSimulate physics associated with this PhysicsScene.

Static Methods

OverlapColliderChecks a Collider against Colliders in the PhysicsScene2D, returning all intersections.