Version: 2020.1
  • C#


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public void OnDeactivate();


Use this function to implement a handler for when the user clicks on another setting or when the Settings window closes.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

class SimpleIMGUISettingsProvider : SettingsProvider { SerializedObject m_Settings; const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset"; public SimpleIMGUISettingsProvider(string path, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.User) : base(path, scope) {}

public override void OnActivate(string searchContext, VisualElement rootElement) { // Called when the user clicks on the MyCustom element in the Settings window. m_Settings = new SerializedObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<UnityEngine.Object>(k_MyCustomSettingsPath)); }

public override void OnDeactivate() { // User selected another settings or closed the Settings window. m_Settings = null; }

public override void OnGUI(string searchContext) { // Use IMGUI to display UI: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Settings.FindProperty("m_Number"), new GUIContent("My Number")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), new GUIContent("Some string")); } }