Version: 2020.1
  • C#


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public void SetPixelData(T[] data, int mipLevel, int sourceDataStartIndex);
public void SetPixelData(NativeArray<T> data, int mipLevel, int sourceDataStartIndex);


data Data array to initialize texture pixels with.
mipLevel Mip level to fill.
sourceDataStartIndex Index in the source array to start copying from (default 0).


Set pixel values from raw preformatted data.

This function fills texture pixel memory of one mip level with raw data. This is useful if you want to load compressed or other non-color texture format data into a texture.

You should make the data that is passed the required size to fill the whole texture mip level according to its width, height, depth and data format. Unity throws an exception otherwise.

Note that not all platforms support compressed 3D Texture data so please consult SystemInfo.supportsCompressed3DTextures if you are using compressed formats.

Call Apply after setting image data to actually upload it to the GPU.

See Also: SetPixels, GetPixelData, Apply, SystemInfo.supportsCompressed3DTextures.

using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { public Texture3D texture; public void Start() { texture = new Texture3D(2, 2, 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, true); var data = new byte[] { 255, 0, 0, // red 0, 255, 0, // green 0, 0, 255, // blue 255, 235, 4, // yellow 128, 0, 0, // dark red 0, 128, 0, // dark green 0, 0, 128, // dark blue 128, 117, 4, // dark yellow }; texture.SetPixelData(data, 0); texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; texture.Apply(updateMipmaps: false); } }