Version: 2020.1
  • C#


class in Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Static class containing functionality to create, run and debug jobs.

Static Properties

CacheLineSizeSize of a cache line.
IsExecutingJobReturns true if we this is called from inside of a C# job.
JobCompilerEnabledWhen disabled, forces jobs that have already been compiled with burst to run in mono instead. For example if you want to debug the C# jobs or just want to compare behaviour or performance.
JobDebuggerEnabledEnables and disables the job debugger at runtime. Note that currently the job debugger is only supported in the Editor. Thus this only has effect in the editor.
JobWorkerCountCurrent number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue.
JobWorkerMaximumCountMaximum number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue (Read Only).
MaxJobThreadCountMaximum job thread count.

Static Methods

CreateJobReflectionDataCreates job reflection data.
GetJobRangeReturns the begin index and end index of the range.
GetWorkStealingRangeReturns the work stealing range.
PatchBufferMinMaxRangesInjects debug checks for min and max ranges of native array.
ResetJobWorkerCountReset JobWorkerCount to the Unity adjusted value.
ScheduleSchedule a single IJob.
ScheduleParallelForSchedule a IJobParallelFor job.
ScheduleParallelForDeferArraySizeSchedule a IJobParallelFor job.
ScheduleParallelForTransformSchedule a IJobParallelForTransform job.