Version: 2020.2
iOS Player settings - Splash image
iOS Player settings - Other settings

iOS Player settings - Debugging and crash reporting

Use the Debugging and crash reporting settings to gather data about your app’s performance and troubleshoot crashes.

Debugging and crash reporting on the iOS platform
Debugging and crash reporting on the iOS platform
Setting Function
Enable Internal Profiler (Deprecated) This feature is deprecated and will be retired in a future version of Unity. Use the Profiler window instead (menu: Window > Analytics > Profiler).

The Profiler collects application performance data and prints a report to the console. The report contains the number of milliseconds each Unity subsystem takes to execute on each frame, averaged across 30 frames.
On .Net UnhandledException Select the action Unity takes when a .NET unhandled exception occurs. The options are Crash (the app crashes and generates a crash report, which users can submit to iTunes and developers can use to troubleshoot the crash), or Silent Exit (the application exits with no errors and doesn’t generate a crash report).
Log Obj-C Uncaught Exceptions When you enable this action, Unity prints Objective-C Uncaught Exception information to the console.
Enable Crash Report API Enables a custom crash reporter to capture crashes. You can use scriptsA piece of code that allows you to create your own Components, trigger game events, modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like. More info
See in Glossary
to access crash logs via the CrashReport API.
iOS Player settings - Splash image
iOS Player settings - Other settings
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