Version: 2020.2
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView


Inherits from:Experimental.GraphView.Dragger

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Selection dragger manipulator.


SelectionDraggerSelectionDragger's constructor.

Protected Methods

OnMouseDownCalled on mouse down event.
OnMouseMoveCalled on mouse move event.
OnMouseUpCalled on mouse up event.
RegisterCallbacksOnTargetCalled to register click event callbacks on the target element.
UnregisterCallbacksFromTargetCalled to unregister event callbacks from the target element.

Inherited Members


clampToParentEdgesIf true, it does not allow the dragged element to exit the parent's edges.
panSpeedWhen elements are dragged near the edges of the Graph, panning occurs. This controls the speed for said panning.
targetVisualElement being manipulated.
activatorsList of Activationfilters.

Protected Methods

CalculatePositionCalculate new position of the dragged element.
CanStartManipulationChecks whether MouseEvent satisfies all of the ManipulatorActivationFilter requirements.
CanStopManipulationChecks whether the MouseEvent is related to this Manipulator.
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