Version: 2020.2
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public static Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext BeginPaintHoles(Terrain terrain, Rect boundsInTerrainSpace, int extraBorderPixels);


terrain Reference Terrain tile.
boundsInTerrainSpace The region in Terrain space to edit.
extraBorderPixels Number of extra border pixels required.


PaintContext PaintContext that contains the combined Terrain holes data for the specified region.


Helper function to set up a PaintContext for modifying the Terrain holes of one or more Terrain tiles.

BeginPaintHoles identifies all of the Terrain holes pixels that are within extraBorderPixels of the bounds rectangle. The search is performed across adjacent connected Terrain tiles. The pixels are collected into a temporary render texture and stored in PaintContext.sourceRenderTexture.

After you call this function, you can write new values into PaintContext.destinationRenderTexture to modify the Terrain holes. Then, you may complete the modification by calling TerrainPaintUtility.EndPaintHoles to copy the modified data back to the Terrain tiles. Alteratively, you may cancel the modification by calling TerrainPaintUtility.ReleaseContextResources to release the RenderTexture resources.

See Also: TerrainPaintUtility.EndPaintHoles and PaintContext.

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