Version: 2020.3
Language : English
Audio Normalize Effect
Audio Pitch Shifter Effect

Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect

The Audio Param EQ Effect is used to alter the frequency response of an audio system using linear filters.


Property: Function:
Center freq The frequency in Hertz where the gain is applied (range 20.0 to 22000.0, default = 8000.0 Hz).
Octave Range The number of Octaves over which the gain is applied (Centered on the Center Frequency) (range 0.20 to 5.00, default = 1.0 octave).
Frequency Gain The gain applied (range 0.05 to 3.00, default = 1.00 - no gain applied).


The graph shows the effect of the gain to be applied over the frequency range of the audio output.

Audio Normalize Effect
Audio Pitch Shifter Effect
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