Version: 2021.3
  • C#


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public Func<SearchItem,SearchContext,string> fetchLabel;


Handler used to fetch and format the label of a search item.

internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
    return new SearchProvider(id, name)
        filterId = "tree:",
        priority = 99999, // put example provider at a low priority
        fetchItems = (context, items, provider) =>
            // That provider searches for tree prefabs in the project
            var results = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab tree" + context.searchQuery);
            foreach (var guid in results)
                items.Add(provider.CreateItem(context, AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid), null, null, null, null));
            return null;
        #pragma warning disable UNT0008 // Null propagation on Unity objects
        // Use fetch to load the asset asynchronously on display
        fetchThumbnail = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon( as Texture2D,
        fetchPreview = (item, context, size, options) => AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon( as Texture2D,
        fetchLabel = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,
        fetchDescription = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,
        toObject = (item, type) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,
        #pragma warning restore UNT0008 // Null propagation on Unity objects
        // Shows handled actions in the preview inspector
        // Shows inspector view in the preview inspector (uses toObject)
        showDetailsOptions = ShowDetailsOptions.Inspector | ShowDetailsOptions.Actions,
        trackSelection = (item, context) =>
            var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(;
            if (obj != null)
        startDrag = (item, context) =>
            var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(;
            if (obj != null)
                DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { obj };
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