Version: 2022.2
Language : English
How Streaming Virtual Texturing works
Using Streaming Virtual Texturing in Shader Graph

Enabling Streaming Virtual Texturing in your project

This feature is experimental and not ready for production use. The feature and documentation might be changed or removed in the future.

To enable Streaming Virtual Texturing, you need to enable Virtual Texturing in your project. To do this, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player and enable the Virtual Texturing setting.

Virtual Texturing is a project-wide setting that is shared for all platforms. You cannot build a player for platforms and graphics APIs that don’t support Virtual Texturing. Virtual Texturing can allocate resources such as buffers, even if you don’t use the feature in your project, so don’t enable Virtual Texturing if you don’t plan to use it.

When you enable Virtual Texturing in your project, Unity adds the following compiler directives:

  • ENABLE_VIRTUALTEXTURES: C# define that evaluates to True if your project supports Virtual Texturing.
  • ENABLE_VIRTUALTEXTURING: C++ and C# editor define that evaluates to True if Virtual Texturing is possible on the current build target.
  • UNITY_VIRTUAL_TEXTURING: ShaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
    See in Glossary

Note that these might be renamed in future versions of Unity.

How Streaming Virtual Texturing works
Using Streaming Virtual Texturing in Shader Graph
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