Version: 2022.2
  • C#


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public void CopyProbeOcclusionArrayFrom(Vector4[] occlusionProbes);


public void CopyProbeOcclusionArrayFrom(List<Vector4> occlusionProbes);


occlusionProbes The array of probe occlusion values to copy from.


This function copies the entire source array into a Vector4 property array named unity_ProbesOcclusion for use with instanced Shadowmask rendering.

If the array property doesn't exist on the MaterialPropertyBlock, it will be created with the length of the source array.
Call LightProbes.CalculateInterpolatedLightAndOcclusionProbes to calculate probe occlusion values at the given world space positions.
ArgumentNullException is thrown if occlusionProbes is null.
Note that all MaterialPropertyBlock arrays can only have a maximum of 1023 elements. Warnings are printed and the excess array elements are ignored if the source array exceeds the range.

See Also: CopySHCoefficientArraysFrom, Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced, CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced.


public void CopyProbeOcclusionArrayFrom(Vector4[] occlusionProbes, int sourceStart, int destStart, int count);


public void CopyProbeOcclusionArrayFrom(List<Vector4> occlusionProbes, int sourceStart, int destStart, int count);


occlusionProbes The array of probe occlusion values to copy from.
sourceStart The index of the first element in the source array to copy from.
destStart The index of the first element in the destination MaterialPropertyBlock array to copy to.
count The number of elements to copy.


This function copies the source array into a Vector4 property array named unity_ProbesOcclusion with the specified source and destination range for use with instanced Shadowmask rendering.

If the array property doesn't exist on the MaterialPropertyBlock, it will be created with the length of the spcified range.
Call LightProbes.CalculateInterpolatedLightAndOcclusionProbes to calculate probe occlusion values at the given world space positions.
ArgumentNullException is thrown if occlusionProbes is null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown if the source or destination range is invalid.
Note that all MaterialPropertyBlock arrays can only have a maximum of 1023 elements. Warnings are printed and the excess array elements are ignored if the source array exceeds the range.

See Also: CopySHCoefficientArraysFrom, Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced, CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced.

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