Version: 2022.2
  • C#


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public int minWordIndexationLength;


Minimal indexed word size. Default is 2.

using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// The property minWordIndexationLength is used to prevent indexing too many small
/// variations of words. By default it is set to 2, meaning that one-letter variations
/// won't be indexed, but you can control
/// how many character word variations are indexed.
/// </summary>
static class Example_SearchIndexer_minWordIndexationLength
    public static void Run()
        var si = new SearchIndexer()
            // Search query will have to include at least the first 5 characters to return any results.
            minWordIndexationLength = 5,
            minQueryLength = 5

        var di = si.AddDocument("document1");
        si.AddWord("technologies", 0, di);
        si.Finish(() => OnIndexReady(si));

    private static void OnIndexReady(SearchIndexer si)
        Debug.Assert(si.Search("tech").Count() == 0, "tech should not return any match");
        Debug.Assert(si.Search("techno").Count() == 1, "No result were found");
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