Version: 2022.2
  • C#


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public int AddDocument(string document, bool checkIfExists);


public int AddDocument(string document, string name, string source, bool checkIfExists, Search.SearchDocumentFlags flags);


document Unique document ID.
name Name of path of the document.
source Source of the document. In example, if the document is a nested object, the source should be the container asset path.
checkIfExists Pass true if this document has some chance of existing already.
flags Flags describing the nature of the document.


int The document index/handle used to add new index entries.


Adds a new document to be indexed.

using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class Example_SearchIndexer_AddDocument
    public static void Run()
        var si = new SearchIndexer();

        // The most efficient way of adding a document is by not checking if the
        // document ID was already added if you are sure that all your document IDs are unique.
        var di = si.AddDocument("document1", checkIfExists: false);

        // You can set `checkIfExists=true` to check for existing document IDs, and the system
        // will return an index of any existing document IDs.
        Debug.Assert(di == si.AddDocument("document1", checkIfExists: true));

        // Once you have added a new document, you need to use the returned handle to index words, numbers and properties.
        si.AddWord("unity", 0, di);
        si.AddProperty("is", "awesome", di);
        si.AddNumber("version", 3.0, score: 0, di);

        si.Finish(() => Debug.Assert(si.Search("unity version>=3").Count() == 1, "No result were found"));

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