Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEditor.Search

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The search monitor is responsible to track any changes that occurs in Unity in order to update search indexes or other search data structure at runtime.

Static Properties

pendingIndicates if the changes still need to be processed by the search backend.

Static Methods

GetDiffReturns the assets that changed since a point in time.
GetViewReturns a monitor view to scope all access to search main search property database.
RaiseContentRefreshedMark content to be refreshed.
ResetReset the search property database content, invalidating all caches.


contentRefreshedEvent invoked when some content has changed.
documentsInvalidatedEvent raised when a document got invalidated.
objectChangedEvent raised when an UnityEngine.Object changed.
sceneChangedEvent raised when the current loaded scene changes that might affect search results.
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