Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

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Represents a column in multi-column views such as multi-column list view or multi-column tree view. Provides the properties to define how user interacts with a column in a multi-column view, how its data and the data of each cell in this column are represented.


bindCell Callback for binding the specified data item at the given row to the visual element.
bindHeader Callback for binding the header element to this column.
collection The column collection that contains this column.
destroyCell Callback for destroying the VisualElement that was built for this column.
destroyHeader Callback for destroying the visual representation of the column in the header.
icon The icon of the column.
makeCell Callback for constructing the VisualElement that is the template for each cell of the column.
makeHeader Callback for constructing the visual representation of the column in the header.
maxWidth The maximum width of the column.
minWidth The minimum width of the column.
name The name of the column.
optional Indicates whether the column is optional. Optional columns be shown or hidden interactively by the user.
resizable Indicates whether the column can be resized interactively by the user.
sortable Indicates whether the column can be sorted.
stretchable Indicates whether the column will be automatically resized to fill the available space within its container.
title The title of the column.
unbindCell Callback for unbinding the specified data item at the given row from the visual element.
unbindHeader Callback for unbinding the header element to this column.
visible Indicates whether the column is visible.
width The desired width of the column.
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