Version: 2022.2
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

Implements interfaces:IValueAnimation

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Implementation object for transition animations.


autoRecycle Returns true if this animation object will be automatically returned to the instance pool after the animation has completed.
durationMs Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
easingCurve Smoothing function related to this animation. Default value is Easing.OutQuad.
from The animation start value.
initialValue Callback invoked when the from field has not been set, in order to retrieve the starting state of this animation.
interpolator Value interpolation method.
isRunning Tells if the animation is currently active.
onAnimationCompleted Callback invoked when this animation has completed.
to The animation end value.
valueUpdated Callback invoked after every value interpolation.


ValueAnimation_1 Constructor.

Public Methods

Ease Sets the easing function.
KeepAlive Will not return the object to the instance pool when the animation has completed.
OnCompleted Sets a callback invoked when this animation has completed.
Recycle Returns this animation object into its object pool.
Start Starts the animation using this object's values.
Stop Stops this animation.

Static Methods

Create Creates a new ValueAnimation object or returns an available one from it's instance pool.
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