Version: 2022.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

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GenericDropdownMenu allows you to display contextual menus with default textual options or any VisualElement.

Static Properties

checkmarkUssClassName USS class name of separators in elements of this type.
containerInnerUssClassName USS class name of inner containers in elements of this type.
containerOuterUssClassName USS class name of outer containers in elements of this type.
itemUssClassName USS class name of labels in elements of this type.
labelUssClassName USS class name of labels in elements of this type.
separatorUssClassName USS class name of separators in elements of this type.
ussClassName USS class name of elements of this type.


contentContainer Returns the content container for the GenericDropdownMenu. Allows users to create their own dropdown menu if they don't want to use the default implementation.


GenericDropdownMenu Initializes and returns an instance of GenericDropdownMenu.

Public Methods

AddDisabledItem Adds a disabled item to this menu using a default VisualElement.
AddItem Adds an item to this menu using a default VisualElement.
AddSeparator Adds a visual separator after the previously added items in this menu.
DropDown Displays the menu at the specified position.
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