Version: 2022.2
  • C#


interface in UnityEngine.UIElements

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Interface for mouse events.


actionKey Returns true if the platform-specific action key is pressed. This key is Cmd on macOS, and Ctrl on all other platforms.
altKey Return true if the Alt key is pressed.
button Integer that indicates which mouse button is pressed: 0 is the left button, 1 is the right button, 2 is the middle button.
clickCount The number of times the button is pressed.
commandKey Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed.
ctrlKey Return true if the Ctrl key is pressed.
localMousePosition The mouse position in the current target coordinate system.
modifiers Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows/Command).
mouseDelta Mouse position difference between the last mouse event and this one.
mousePosition The mouse position in the panel coordinate system.
pressedButtons A bitmask that describes the currently pressed buttons.
shiftKey Return true if the Shift key is pressed.
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