Version: 2022.2
  • C#



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Represents an operation that the user is trying to accomplish through a specific input mechanism.

Tests the received callback value for KeyboardNavigationManipulator against the values of this enum to implement the operation in your UI.


None Default value. Indicates an uninitialized enum value.
SelectAll Selects all UI selectable elements or text.
Cancel Cancels the current UI interaction.
Submit Submits or concludes the current UI interaction.
Previous Moves up to the previous item.
Next Moves down to the next item.
MoveRight Moves to the right.
MoveLeft Moves to the left.
PageUp Moves the selection up one page (in a list that has a scrollable area).
PageDown Moves the selection down one page (in a list that has a scrollable area).
Begin Selects the first element.
End Selects the last element.
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