
A Funnel is a sequence of steps a player goes through in-game during a time period (for example, the last 24 hours or the last 7 days). A Funnel analysis is a method of understanding the steps required to reach an outcome and how many users get through each of those steps. Funnels help you better understand your player progression, identify opportunities to boost your KPIs, and uncover potential issues that prevent players from having an optimal experience.

You can ask questions like:

  • Is this dungeon too hard?
  • Is the tutorial easy to go through?
  • How frequently do players spend money in my game?
  • How many players do I lose between the first, second, and third ad impression in my game?
  • How many players spend hard currency multiple times on the same offer?

How to use Funnels

Use Funnels by entering steps: game events that match certain criteria sent for that player. At each step you can see the number of players who meet those criteria compared to the previous step and how long it takes for players to move between the steps. Any event can be used for a step. For example, each step could represent a level in the game to see how many players reach each level during the last day. This shows how players drop off from the first level to the second, then the third and so on. The median and average time it takes your group of players to reach each step is recorded. You can see if your levels are too difficult if the percentage of players that reach each step within a day is too low compared to what you expected.

Create a new Funnel

1. Go to Analytics > Funnels in the Dashboard. Click New Funnel or Add New Funnel.

2. Choose your event steps and click Add step then Apply to add additional Events steps to your Funnel. Choose from Standard and Custom Events.

3. Click Add parameter to refine your events using parameters. For example, if you want to track when a player finishes level 1, choose the levelComplete event, and set the Level Equal to 1. You can have multiple parameters per event, such as set health and experience. Choose the parameter filter operator from Equal to, Not equal to, Greater than, Less than, and so on.

4. Add more steps to learn more about your players. In our example we’re incrementing levels to see where players drop off in-game. Tip: use the duplicate step button to quickly duplicate events (copy button).

5. Filters are available to tailor your Funnels. Choose from a period of time (for example, last 7 days), country, platform, version, and Audiences such as engaged players (players who have played every day in the past week).

6. Save and define your Funnel with a name and description.

Note: There’s no limit to the number of steps you can have for each Funnel. We recommend between eight to fifteen steps to optimize load times.

Manage saved Funnels

Saved Funnels can be accessed from the list page. Once loaded, you can edit the Funnel but will need to save for the changes to take effect.

From within the Funnel you can Rename and edit the Funnel steps. Save your changes after editing.

Interpret Funnel results

Your Funnel results will show as the image below. As Funnel steps are sequential, only players that show up in step two are those that were present in step one, and so on. Players who aren’t present in step one can’t join later steps. The following criteria are represented:

  • Overall conversion: The total percentage of users who entered and completed the Funnel.
  • Drop off rates: The percentage of players who completed the last step but didn't complete this one.
  • Median time: The median time it took for players to complete this step since they completed the previous step.
  • Average time to complete: The average time it took for players to complete this step since they completed the previous step.

Each of the above will be available on the hover state on the chart and within the table.

Export a Funnel

You can export your Funnel as a CSV or image. Click Funnels in the side panel to see a list of your Funnels. When you’re looking at a particular Funnel, click Export at the top. Download the table as a CSV or the chart as a PNG.