Version: 2022.3
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Use this Struct to help initialize a LightDataGI structure as a pyramid-shaped spot light.


angleThe opening angle of the shorter side of the pyramid light.
aspectRatioThe aspect ratio for the pyramid shape. Values larger than 1 extend the width and values between 0 and 1 extend the height.
colorThe direct light color.
falloffThe falloff model to use for baking the pyramid light.
indirectColorThe indirect light color.
instanceIDThe light's instanceID.
modeThe lightmode.
orientationThe light's orientation.
positionThe light's position.
rangeThe light's range.
shadowSpecifies whether the light casts shadows or not. This is true if the light does cast shadows and false otherwise.
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