Version: 2022.3
  • C#


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public uint contentHash;


Provides the hash value for the property. (Read Only)

You can use this to track if there has been any changes to the value at the property path (See Also: SerializedProperty.propertyPath).

Please note that:
-If the size of the property's content is smaller than or equal to 32 bits, then the content will be returned instead of a hash.
-If the property path leads to an array or complex type, the hash will correspond to the entire content.
-If the property is a field with [SerializeReference] attribute, or a compound type that contains such a field, then the content hashing doesn't include the content of the referenced object, instead it only hashes the reference id (See Also: SerializedProperty.managedReferenceId).

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyObject : ScriptableObject { public string myString = "answer to life the universe and everything"; public string[] myStringArray = { "answer", "to", "life", "the", "universe", "and", "everything" }; public int[] myIntArray = { 42, 442, 422, 4242 };

[MenuItem("Example/Output contentHash from SerializedProperty")] static void OutputContentHashFromSerializedProperty() { var scriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyObject>();

using (var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(scriptableObject)) { SerializedProperty serializedPropertyMyString = serializedObject.FindProperty("myString"); SerializedProperty serializedPropertyMyStringArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("myStringArray"); SerializedProperty serializedPropertyMyIntArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("myIntArray");

uint myStringHash = serializedPropertyMyString.contentHash; uint myStringArrayHash = serializedPropertyMyStringArray.contentHash; uint MyIntArrayHash = serializedPropertyMyIntArray.contentHash;

serializedPropertyMyString.stringValue = "new string"; serializedPropertyMyIntArray.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(1);


Debug.Log(string.Format("myString: before={0}, after={1}, changed={2}", myStringHash, serializedPropertyMyString.contentHash, myStringHash == serializedPropertyMyString.contentHash ? "no" : "yes")); Debug.Log(string.Format("myStringArrayHash: before={0}, after={1}, changed={2}", myStringArrayHash, serializedPropertyMyStringArray.contentHash, myStringArrayHash == serializedPropertyMyStringArray.contentHash ? "no" : "yes")); Debug.Log(string.Format("MyIntArrayHash: before={0}, after={1}, changed={2}", MyIntArrayHash, serializedPropertyMyIntArray.contentHash, MyIntArrayHash == serializedPropertyMyIntArray.contentHash ? "no" : "yes")); } } }
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