Version: 2023.1
Language : English
Unity Launcher Manifest
How Unity builds Android applications

Unity Library Manifest

A Unity Library Manifest is the main Unity manifest and contains information about the Unity Player and its activity. Unity uses a default Unity Library Manifest during the build process to generate the final Android App Manifest for the application. For more information on how to modify this file, refer to Modify Gradle project files.


A Unity Library Manifest declares:

  • The Unity activity.
  • The theme that the Unity activity uses.
  • Permissions.
  • VRVirtual Reality More info
    See in Glossary
  • VR performance.
  • Whether to allow the user to resize the application window. This is useful for VR and ChromeOS.
  • The maximum aspect ratioThe relationship of an image’s proportional dimensions, such as its width and height.
    See in Glossary
  • How to react to configuration changes.
  • Supported orientations.
  • Supported launch modes.
    Note: Unity only supports the singleTask launch mode.
  • Android UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info
    See in Glossary
  • Whether to use hardware acceleration.
  • Which features the application uses such as a gamepad or touchscreen.
  • Which graphics APIs the application supports.
  • Whether the application supports notches on the device.
  • The initial window size.
  • Which window modes the application supports. This is useful for ChromeOS.
  • Splash screen configuration.
  • Whether to extract native libraries when installing the application.
  • Which devices the application can run on.
Unity Launcher Manifest
How Unity builds Android applications
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