Version: 2023.1
  • C#

LightingExplorerTableColumn Constructor

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public LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType type, GUIContent headerContent, string propertyName, int width, LightingExplorerTableColumn.OnGUIDelegate onGUIDelegate, LightingExplorerTableColumn.ComparePropertiesDelegate compareDelegate, LightingExplorerTableColumn.CopyPropertiesDelegate copyDelegate, int[] dependencyIndices);


type Depending on what LightingExplorer.DataType we use, built-in compare and draw methods will be used. If you want to fully overload this, use LightingExplorer.DataType.Custom.
headerContent Title for the column header.
propertyName Name of the property on the object you wish to use. If you use LightingExplorer.DataType.Name, choose ‘null’.
width Width of the column. The minimum width is this value divided by 2. The default value is 100.
onGUIDelegate If you want to draw a property differently than the default, provide this delegate. If you use LightingExprlorer.DataType.Custom, you must override this.
compareDelegate If you want to sort properties differently than the default way, provide this delegate. If you use LightingExplorer.DataType.Custom, you must override this.
copyDelegate If you want to copy properties differently than the default way, provide this delegate.
dependencyIndices If you depend on another Serialized property than the one in your column, use this field to specify which indices to include. The first column is index 0.



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