Version: 2023.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.NVIDIA


Implemented in:UnityEngine.NVIDIAModule

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The set of texture slots available for the DLSSContext. SA GraphicsDevice.ExecuteDLSS


biasColorMaskA mask, same size as colorInput, preferably of format R8_UNORM that informs DLSS of possible moving pixels. If heavy ghosting is encountered, set pixels to this mask to fix the problem. This texture is optional.
colorInputThe input color buffer to upsample for DLSSContext. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value.
colorOutputThe output color buffer to write the upsampling result for DLSSContext. This must be large enough to fit in the output rect specified in the command. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value.
depthThe input depth buffer. This must be the same size as the input color buffer. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value.
exposureTextureA 1x1 texture with pre-exposure values. If you do not use pre-exposure, do not set this texture. This texture is optional.
motionVectorsThe motion vectors requested by the DLSSContext. Depending on the DLSSFeatureFlags specified in DLSSContext.initData, this buffer can be a smaller scale or the full output resolution. This texture is mandatory and you must set it to a non-null value.
transparencyMaskA transparency bit mask. This must be the same size as the input texture. This texture helps the DLSSContext with ghosting issues. This texture is optional.
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