Version: 2023.1
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Describes the culling information for a given shadow split (e.g. directional cascade).

Static Properties

maximumCullingPlaneCountThe maximum number of culling planes.


cullingMatrixThe model view projection matrix Unity uses to cull objects it renders into this shadow map.
cullingNearPlaneThe near plane distance that Unity uses to cull objects. Unity transforms the objects with ShadowSplitData.cullingMatrix, and then culls the ones that are farther than the near plane distance.
cullingPlaneCountThe number of culling planes.
cullingSphereThe culling sphere. The first three components of the vector describe the sphere center, and the last component specifies the radius.
shadowCascadeBlendCullingFactor A multiplier applied to the radius of the culling sphere.Values must be in the range 0 to 1. With higher values, Unity culls more objects. Lower makes the cascades share more rendered objects. Using lower values allows blending between different cascades as they then share objects.

Public Methods

GetCullingPlaneGets a culling plane.
SetCullingPlaneSets a culling plane.
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