Version: 2023.1
  • C#

PropertyDatabase Constructor

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public PropertyDatabase(string filePath);


filePath Path to the backing file.


Constructs a new instance of a PropertyDatabase.

If filePath does not exist, the file will be created automatically. The PropertyDatabase will not update the backing file automatically, you will have to trigger the update manually with PropertyDatabase.TriggerBackgroundUpdate. If another PropertyDatabase is already opened on the same file, the PropertyDatabase will not be opened and will be invalid. See valid.


public PropertyDatabase(string filePath, bool autoFlush, double backgroundUpdateDebounceInSeconds);


filePath Path to the backing file.
autoFlush Boolean indicating if the backing file will be updated automatically or not.
backgroundUpdateDebounceInSeconds Time between changes for the automatic background update to trigger.


Constructs a new instance of a PropertyDatabase.

If filePath does not exist, the file will be created automatically. If autoBackgroundUpdate is true, the PropertyDatabase will automatically update the backing file after changes have completed. To prevent updating the file too often when there is a lot of changes, you can specify a delay between changes with backgroundUpdateDebounceInSeconds before the update can trigger. For example, with the default value of 5 seconds, a background update will only happen after 5 seconds have passed since the last changes to the PropertyDatabase. If another PropertyDatabase is already opened on the same file, the PropertyDatabase will not be opened and will be invalid. See valid.

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