Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public Func<string,string> resolveDocumentHandler;


Handler used to resolve a document ID to some other data string.

using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Since the search indexes only contain string document IDs that must be unique,
/// you can use `resolveDocumentHandler` to transform these document IDs into something
/// that can be searched while running queries that contain simple words.
/// </summary>
static class Example_SearchIndexer_resolveDocumentHandler
    struct Weapon
        public string id { get; private set; }
        public int power { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }

        public Weapon(string name, int power)
            id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
   = name;
            this.power = power;

    public static void Run()
        const int MagicPower = 1;
        var weapons = new[]
            new Weapon("Long Bow", 2),
            new Weapon("Short Sword", 3),
            new Weapon("Short Sword", 3 + MagicPower), // We have two weapons that will have different ids, but the same name.
            new Weapon("Long Sword", 4)
        var si = new SearchIndexer("Weapons")
            // Define a handler that returns a searchable string that can search for each document.
            // These words are not indexed, therefore the string is linear and might not scale as expected.
            // IMPORTANT: Unless you want to have case-sensitive search, you should convert the resolved string to lowercase.
            resolveDocumentHandler = (id) => weapons.First(w => == id).name.ToLowerInvariant()

        foreach (var w in weapons)
            var di = si.AddDocument(;
            si.AddWord("weapon", 0, di);
        si.Finish(() => OnIndexReady(si, weapons));

    private static void OnIndexReady(SearchIndexer si, Weapon[] weapons)
        var results = si.Search("weapon sword").ToArray();
        Debug.Assert(results.Length == 3, "No weapon were found");
        foreach (var result in results)
            var w = weapons.First(w => ==;
            Debug.Log($"Found [{result.index}] {}/{} ({w.power})");
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