Version: 2023.1
  • C#

PaintContext Constructor

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public PaintContext(Terrain terrain, RectInt pixelRect, int targetTextureWidth, int targetTextureHeight, bool sharedBoundaryTexel = true, bool fillOutsideTerrain = true);


terrain Terrain that defines terrain space for this PaintContext.
pixelRect Pixel rectangle to edit in the target terrain texture.
targetTextureWidth Width of the target terrain texture (per Terrain).
targetTextureHeight Height of the target terrain texture (per Terrain).
sharedBoundaryTexel Whether to stretch the Textures so that edge texels lie on the Terrain boundary, and are shared with connected Terrains.
fillOutsideTerrain Whether to fill empty space outside of the Terrain tiles with data from the nearest tile.


Creates a new PaintContext, to edit a target texture on a Terrain, in a region defined by pixelRect.

This constructor finds all Terrain tiles that touch the pixelRect, searching across adjacent connected Terrain tiles. It also calculates the relevant regions on each Terrain, as well as the transforms between them.

See Also: PaintContext.

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