Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public bool isConnected;


Tests whether the VersionControlObject is connected to an underlying version control system.

There are various reasons why your VersionControlObject may not be connected. For example:

  • Your VCS might need to be configured before establishing connection.
  • OnActivate might start a background thread that takes some time to connect.
  • The connection might get broken because of network issues.

In all these cases this property will return false.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.VersionControl;
using UnityEngine;

[VersionControl("Custom")] public class CustomVersionControlObject : VersionControlObject, ISettingsInspectorExtension { bool m_Active; bool m_IsConnected;

public override bool isConnected => m_IsConnected;

public void OnEnable() { // m_Active will be false if CustomVersionControlObject has just been activated. // It will be true if OnEnable was called after domain reload. In that case we want to reestablish connection. if (m_Active) Connect(); }

public void OnDisable() { // Let's assume that domain reload kills connection to underlying VCS. Disconnect(); }

public override void OnActivate() { m_Active = true; // Let's try to automatically establish connection to underlying VCS. // It will not work the first time CustomVersionControlObject is activated because username is not configured yet. // However it will work on subsequent Unity startup. Connect(); }

public override void OnDeactivate() { m_Active = false; Disconnect(); }

public void OnInspectorGUI() { var oldUsername = EditorUserSettings.GetConfigValue("vcCustomUsername"); var newUsername = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Username (hint: TestUser):", oldUsername); if (newUsername != oldUsername) EditorUserSettings.SetConfigValue("vcCustomUsername", newUsername);

EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Connected:", m_IsConnected ? "Yes" : "No");

if (GUILayout.Button("Connect")) Connect(); }

void Connect() { var username = EditorUserSettings.GetConfigValue("vcCustomUsername"); m_IsConnected = username == "TestUser"; }

void Disconnect() { m_IsConnected = false; } }
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