Version: 2023.2
Language : English
XR Plugin Management
Release Candidates

ZivaRT Player



ZivaRT (Ziva Real Time) is a machine learning technology that allows a user to produce film-quality shape deformation results in real time. In particular, the software takes in a set of representative high-quality mesh shapes and poses, and trains a machine-learning model to learn how to deform and skin the mesh. ZivaRT allows for film-quality characters to be deployed in real-time applications.

Version information

Released for Unity

Package version 2.0.0 is released for Unity Editor version 2023.2.

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are available in Unity version 2023.2:

Documentation location: State Versions available:
com.unity.zivart-player@2.0 released 2.0.0
XR Plugin Management
Release Candidates
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