Version: 2023.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.Device


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule

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Access platform-specific display information.

This class has the same functionality as Screen and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor. Use it together with the Device Simulator to test platform-specific behaviors inside the Editor. Outside of the Editor, this class behaves exactly like the Screen class. Unity strips all simulation capabilities during the build process. Use the original Screen class if you work directly with the Unity Editor (for example, to create a custom Editor tool) and you don't need to use any simulated values.

Static Properties

autorotateToLandscapeLeftThis has the same functionality as Screen.autorotateToLandscapeLeft and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
autorotateToLandscapeRightThis has the same functionality as Screen.autorotateToLandscapeRight and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
autorotateToPortraitThis has the same functionality as Screen.autorotateToPortrait and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
autorotateToPortraitUpsideDownThis has the same functionality as Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
brightnessThis has the same functionality as Screen.brightness. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
currentResolutionThis has the same functionality as Screen.currentResolution and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
cutoutsThis has the same functionality as Screen.cutouts and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
dpiThis has the same functionality as Screen.dpi and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
fullScreenThis has the same functionality as Screen.fullScreen and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
fullScreenModeThis has the same functionality as Screen.fullScreenMode and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
heightThis has the same functionality as Screen.height and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
mainWindowDisplayInfoThe Device Simulator doesn't simulate this property.
mainWindowPositionThe Device Simulator doesn't simulate this property.
msaaSamplesThis has the same functionality as Screen.msaaSamples and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
orientationThis has the same functionality as Screen.orientation and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
resolutionsThis has the same functionality as Screen.resolutions and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
safeAreaThis has the same functionality as Screen.safeArea and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
sleepTimeoutThis has the same functionality as Screen.sleepTimeout. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
widthThis has the same functionality as Screen.width and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.

Static Methods

GetDisplayLayoutThe Device Simulator doesn't simulate this property.
MoveMainWindowToThe Device Simulator doesn't simulate this method.
SetMSAASamplesThis has the same functionality as Screen.SetMSAASamples and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
SetResolutionThis has the same functionality as Screen.SetResolution and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
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